Sunday, April 25, 2010

your report (under the report tab)

my fingers are sore from typing, so i'll keep this one short.

basically, the report tab shows your stats including problems right, # wrong, # given up, your Alcumus score (based on a algorithm that i don't know about), and your topics.

next to each topic(s) has the same breakdown, but with a bar representing your progress toward passage. When the bar is full, you've passed that topic, but Alcumus might still give you problems from that topic

Alcumus chooses your problems randomly, but tends toward ones you have trouble with (for me, Casework Counting). It tends away from those you've passed or shown mastery towards

it'll give you new topics sometimes, but usually not unless you've just started.

if you really stink at a topic or just don't get it, the topic will have vids that you can watch. Richard does the vids and you've got to love his sense of humor (remember, the vids are under the Lessons tab). After watching the vid(s) enough, click on the Get Problem link and take another stab at it.

For topics that you truly are bad at, use the vids and then change the Focus Topic (when you get a problem, it's on the right side) and change it for more practice (although Alcumus will probably drill you anyway)

have fun!!!!

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